Welcome to this Bonus Holiday Episode of Catching Your Breath: The Podcast.
This content is from a new thing I'm doing on Facebook, called #MentalHealthMonday. Each Monday at 8pm CST, I'll be sharing a new Facebook Live video about something under the umbrella of mental health. Today, I'm sharing the audio of my very first Mental Health Monday video, which aired Monday, 11/25/19.
The holidays can be stressful and unpredictable. Join me as I respond to a few questions I received recently from a coaching client:
1. What can I do to get more in control of the holiday festivities this year?
2. How can I find the time to prepare all the holiday foods when it seems we’ve only got time for the holiday parties
3. What can I do to discourage our sons from wanting so many presents?
4. Is there any way I can bring back the joy of the holidays?
Stay connected at catchingyourbreath.com.
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