Yes, to number one. The main result is fear of trusting anyone - at all...even God. No one feels safe. So, I tend to pull in...especially when I'm really hurting. I don't want anyone else to be able to abuse or harm me in any way.

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Tough stuff here. The first thing that came to my mind: Devo #2: How to Love Those with Mental Illness ( "including myself" ).

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You are not alone here. I suspect that for most of us, the biggest struggle is learning to love ourselves as we are. And shed the bullshit and lies of the “ideal.” (Hint: there is no ideal.)

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You know what I love so much about your work? You don’t automatically assume there is sin behind the symptoms. You so beautifully acknowledge that sometimes it’s just “life.” Thank you for doing that!!

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Ann, thanks so much for your kind words! I mostly steer away from the s-word these days, because toxic theology has so twisted that concept to keep countless people imprisoned in fear. And most of the time, it isn't sin - it's pain. People are hurting so bad. And sometimes that pain causes them to do things to hurt themselves or others. But they aren't bad. They're just brokenhearted. <3

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Thanks Steve. Feeling more hopeful and grounded today.

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I’m so glad to hear that. But even on the days when you feel less hopeful and grounded, you are still enough. Much love to you, friend.

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