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Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” – Matthew 9:2
Sharon’s life looked perfect on the outside. She was married to a godly man who loved her deeply. She had three beautiful, healthy children. She worked part-time in a job that she found fulfilling.
But still, Sharon couldn’t shake the depression that followed her around. She didn’t understand why she was depressed. She’d had a great childhood with loving parents. She’d never suffered any significant illnesses or diseases.
Still, she struggled to get out of bed each morning. She felt guilty for being depressed. “You don’t have a real reason to be sad,” she reminded her reflection in the mirror.
One day, her husband gently suggested Sharon should see a counselor.
“I feel like I should be strong enough to overcome this on my own,” Sharon said.
“You don’t have to be,” her husband responded. “Just like the paralyzed man needed people to carry him to Jesus, sometimes, we need people to carry us. Let me help you. I’ll go with you to see the counselor and support you every step of the way.”
God, when I can’t do it on my own, send sweet friends and a loving community to wrap their arms around me. Let me feel their support and care each step of this journey.
1. What circumstances make you feel as if you’re alone?
2. Who has carried you to Jesus during a dark time in your life?
3. How has God reminded you that He sees your pain?
The way God most intimately reminded me He saw my pain happened many years ago actually, but remains dear to my heart. I was at a youth event - but really felt outside, unwanted, unloved, and unseen. So though it was raining a very cold February rain, I went and stood with God in the rain. And He gave me the sense that He was weeping WITH me. He understood the pain and anguish. He saw me...and He cared. I still love meeting God in the rain.
I have been through some very dark times and I actually questioned my faith at times. I questioned God why I was being put through such struggles when my ex who cheated was happily engaged and not having any struggles. It surely didn't seem fair. I honestly thought the sinner was being rewarded. It's still hard for me being alone but I did get through my suicidal thoughts. I have to believe He helped me.